Technology for smart, simple and sustainable logistics

Grupo Intelipost believes in perfect delivery, and making that a reality is our principal mission. Our purpose is to drive the country forward through logistics with smart technology, promoting a better future for the sector and the planet.
Facilitating and calculating safer routes, encouraging fuel emission reductions, strengthening local trade and transforming the quality of road transport with a focus on the well-being of the people who drive logistics daily are just some of the positive impacts that our solutions provide, generating an optimized cost-benefit ratio from end to end.

We combine intelligence and technology to create solutions that connect businesses and people to a unique logistics experience.

Grupo Intelipost is constantly evolving to incorporate ESG practices into all processes. Part of this evolution includes transparently presenting what we are developing and how the Intelipost experience positively impacts the logistics sector in Brazil.

Find below an updated report with all the ESG initiatives we have adopted as part of the
Intelipost culture.

Brazil's largest logistics management platform contributes to more sustainable delivery


We offer the largest network of pick-up points in Brazil.

We simplify logistics for entrepreneurs from various segments and help improve the experience for those who buy and sell online.

Discover the main benefits:

The Pegaki experience positively impacts the environment by reducing emissions and generating more sustainable deliveries.
Logo - Agile
Grupo Intelipost’s intelligent routing solution simplifies the creation of routes through artificial intelligence and route creation tools, integrating with the company’s management system and leveraging fleet optimization.

By establishing smarter routes, the number of vehicles on the road and fuel costs are reduced, cutting CO2 emissions.

Check out the benefits:

To improve logistics with every new delivery, we walk hand in hand with our partners on this journey.

That’s why Grupo Intelipost created the Carrier Ranking.

Ranking is based on commitment to sustainability, acting in accordance with ESG practices.

Intelipost is a Carbon Neutral company

The compensation for the environmental impact of Intelipost’s operations corresponds to driving 1,357,193 kilometers in a gasoline car. This means that we can compensate for the equivalent of almost 33 laps of Planet Earth by car.

We were able to neutralize our carbon footprint from 2019 to 2022.

Committees, certifications and training

Every six months we conduct Compliance Training on diversity and ESG practices, which is mandatory for all Group employees.

Our contracts with customers and suppliers contain a special clause standardizing ESG practices.

We are ISO27001 certified, reaffirming our commitment to information security.

We have a Diversity and Inclusion Committee, with the voluntary participation of 10 employees, and a Data Privacy Committee, to monitor and adapt the company to Brazil’s General Data Protection Law (LGPD, Portuguese acronym).

Valuing diversity and collective development are powerful elements of Intelipost’s culture.

We boast the best technology experts, dedicated to creating solutions that revolutionize logistics.

Grupo Intelipost offers a new way of doing and thinking about logistics.

We believe in the potential of technology to positively impact society, promoting well-being within and outside the Intelipost ecosystem.

That’s why we prioritize ESG programs over business, integrating efforts into operational strategy on all fronts.

We boast the best technology experts, dedicated to creating solutions that simplify management, optimize time and ensure assertive decision-making, combining strategic thinking, intelligence and agility to transform the daily lives of the people who drive logistics. After all, building the logistics of the future lies at the heart of everything we do.

And we thank everyone who actively contributes to the development of ever simpler, technological and sustainable logistics!

About Grupo Intelipost

Intelipost is a leader in logistics intelligence. A complete platform that simplifies delivery management, Intelipost solutions ensure more control and agility in logistics processes so that companies can offer their customers a positive experience through perfect delivery. With solutions for e-commerces, retailers, marketplaces and logistics operators, Intelipost positively impacts the creation of new business strategies with precision and security, transforming logistics and making the perfect delivery experience a reality.

A complete platform of smart logistics solutions and experiences.